Asset List
Week one: Review my asset list with teacher and classmates.
Start paintings some textures on Photoshop to be use in environment one (Juliana’s room). Work on getting video references ready for next week. Keep working on spirits textures. (Male and female)
Week Two: Review concept art with teacher and classmates as well as video references. Show some test render of Juliana’s bed (blanket, pillows, bed headers). Keep working on environment one as well as the spirits characters.
Week Three: Review test renders of environment one. Show textures of furniture such bed stand and dresser. Work on props to make room look messy. Have texture 90% finish on the spirits. Show some test renders in after effects, get critiques from teacher and classmates and make corrections for next week. Put them with 2D characters if possible (no animation).
Week Four: Spirits textures must be complete. Critique them with teacher and classmates for final suggestions. Keep working on environment one. Show renders texture on chair and teddy bear. Star placing lights and cameras. Start working on environment two (Juliana’s town).
Week Five: Texture on environment one must be 90% complete. Show some test renders to teacher and classmates for critique. Show spirits again only if suggestions were given the week before. Keep working on models for environment two.
Week Six: Environment one complete with lights (night). All models for environment two must be done. Start working on textures for environment two.
Week Seven: Work on textures for environment two. Start testing camera movement on the city to be use in flying scene on “Sunflower”. Test spirit characters (3D) with main characters in heaven environment in After Effects (no 3D models require).
Week Eight: 75% of texture complete on environment two. Show test renders with camera movement. Start placing lights. Show some test renders of heaven environment.
Week Nine: Texture for environment two must be complete. Work on test animation with some lights for flying scene. Star testing lights for environment one B (dawn).
Week Ten: Environment two complete (lights and textures). Keep working on test animation of flying scene. Place characters on environment one for test ( no animation).
Week 11: Flying scene test complete. Environment one and one B complete with characters (2D) . Heaven environment complete with characters (3D and 2D).
List of Models
Female Spirit: Done
Male Spirit: 90% complete
Environment One
Blanket: Done
Pillows: Done
Head boards: redo
Furniture: Done
Vase: Done
Curtains: Not finish. (may be 2d)
Clothes on the floor: Not finish
Empty bottle of wine: Not finish
Empty glass: Not finish
Environment Two
To be determine